Tagged: C++


Inline Asm

In this post i wish to give the same information about inline assembly. What is Assembly? In short, Assembly is the machine language form of CPU. Each line of the command will be compiled...



In C++ you can provide concurrency by using threat. join method creates waiting for the main thread. But detach stop connection between the main thread and created child thread. Passing argument You can also...



Lambda is a method to create a function object in C++. The basic structure is: To get the type of the lambda; You may mention that lambda is a function object. If you using...


Perfect Forwarding with Template

By writing a constructor template you can cover several alternatives of the constructors. But there is also a way to call copy constructor or move constructor when you forwarding an object. In flowing code,...



Here you are a short review code for templates Explicit Initialization forces compiler to create a version of code. Explicit Specialization is the way for creating an alternative implementation of a template method.


All Virtual Methods Are Abstract in CPP

Virtual is a keyword to declare that the method must be override If all method is virtual and equals 0, the class runs as an interface. Override keywords shows that the virtual method has...