Inline Asm
In this post i wish to give the same information about inline assembly. What is Assembly? In short, Assembly is the machine language form of CPU. Each line of the command will be compiled...
In this post i wish to give the same information about inline assembly. What is Assembly? In short, Assembly is the machine language form of CPU. Each line of the command will be compiled...
By writing a constructor template you can cover several alternatives of the constructors. But there is also a way to call copy constructor or move constructor when you forwarding an object. In flowing code,...
You can pass size of an array by only using a template parameter. Here is an example code of it
You cant throw an exception from a deconstruction method of a class because all destroy methods are noexcept(true).
Virtual is a keyword to declare that the method must be override If all method is virtual and equals 0, the class runs as an interface. Override keywords shows that the virtual method has...
using keyword is the new way to implement a constructor to the child class.