Monthly Archive: March 2020


To be Modern or Not

C++ has great change after C++11 and it still continues. I shared some of the basic important topics before. But I wish to add a summary here ; Use nonstatic data initialization instead of...


Mutex and Atomics

To protect value with a simple mutex. The other way is using unique_lock but it locks threat critically New Memory model Atomic Atomic brings us a secure model to reach data on memory. However,...



In C++ you can provide concurrency by using threat. join method creates waiting for the main thread. But detach stop connection between the main thread and created child thread. Passing argument You can also...



Lambda is a method to create a function object in C++. The basic structure is: To get the type of the lambda; You may mention that lambda is a function object. If you using...


Boris Jhonson and Coronavirus

Here, in Great Britain, nobody knows what will happen to us. We live in the corona attack and Mr Jhonson’s careless approach. As a Turkish guy, I don’t clearly understand why these English Politicians...


Variadic Template

In C++ templates may use to declare to get several version In here you may find a way to declare a type called Param but not only one strict type. You may use it...


Perfect Forwarding with Template

By writing a constructor template you can cover several alternatives of the constructors. But there is also a way to call copy constructor or move constructor when you forwarding an object. In flowing code,...



Here you are a short review code for templates Explicit Initialization forces compiler to create a version of code. Explicit Specialization is the way for creating an alternative implementation of a template method.